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Table 6 List of variables and sources

From: Do climate variations explain bilateral migration? A gravity model analysis





Population‐weighted average annual temperature in degrees Celsius. Constant 1990 population weights

Dell et al. (2008).


Population‐weighted average annual precipitation in millimeters. Constant 1990 population weights

Dell et al. (2008).

Immigrant inflow

Inflow of population from sending country i into host country j

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (2014): OECD International Migration Database. Eurostat (2014): Immigration.

GDP per capita origin

PPP-adjusted GDP per capita in sending country at current US$

World Bank (2010): World Development Indicators Database.

GDP per capita destination

PPP-adjusted GDP per capita in host country at current US$

World Bank (2010): World Development Indicators Database.


Population in the sending country

World Bank (2010): World Development Indicators Database.

Demographic pressure

Percentage or young population as a share of working age population in the sending country

World Bank (2010): World Development Indicators Database.

Unemployment rate destination

Unemployment rate in the country of destination, total (share of total labor force)

World Bank (2010): World Development Indicators Database.

Trade to GDP

Sum of exports and imports of goods and services measured as a share of the sending country’s gross domestic product

World Bank (2010): World Development Indicators Database.

Share of agricultural land

Share of sending country i’s land area that is arable, under permanent crops, and under permanent pastures

World Bank (2014): World Development Indicators Database.

EU membership

Dummy variable equals 1 if the country of origin is a member of the European Union

European Union (2014): EU member countries.

State fragility index

Ordinally scaled (0–25) measure of sending country i’s state fragility

Center for Systemic Peace (2014): State Fragility Index.